
Copain - Monsieur Malade

Copain is malade. Super malade. Like had-to-come-home-from-work-and-has-been-on-the-couch-for-two-days malade.

What's worse: we have plans to go to Strasbourg for the Marché de Noël this weekend. Our train tickets are for tomorrow morning.

I asked him if he wanted to cancel, but he tells me that this bug he has should only last 24 hours.  It's what the doctor said when she came to our house yesterday - right after he heaved his guts up all over Paris on his way home from work.  Good times.

I've gone on a rampage, using eau de javel (bleach!) on every doorknob, every surface, every EVERYTHING in our house. Copain is sleeping on the couch (his choice - I offered the bed), and I am sleeping in the bed. Anytime I so much as touch anything he has touched, I slather my entire body in this stuff:

Anti-bacterial gel, I heart you

The only thing worse than heaving your guts up in Paris, is heaving your guts up on a train to Strasbourg. 

While I'm hopeful that we will have a good weekend, something tells me that he is not going to want to share a vin chaud or a choucroute with me (and maybe I don't really want to share with him). I've already done the mom thing and packed saltine crackers and kid-sized applesauce, not to mention all the meds that Dr. SOS prescribed yesterday.  I'm hesitating about bringing a barf bag though...oh god.  

I've packed for both of us, sanitized, done laundry, baked muffins, sanitized again (and again), tidied up and done all the dishes with scalding hot water, while Copain sleeps, eats chicken broth and applesauce, sleeps, watches Dexter, and then moans as he tries to roll from his back to his stomach (did I mention we have a really uncomfortable couch?). 

The upside: My apartment has never been this clean. 
The downside: I could potentially catch this thing - right before I step on the train. 

1 comment:

  1. Pauvre Copain, I hope he'll get better :) As for the choucroute, yes, it may not be the perfect time :)
    Bon courage à toi! We had a running gastro here (EVERYBODY got it, including the cousins) a few weeks ago, so: vive les gel anti-bactéries!


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