
La Vingt-Huitième Liste

List 28: Vacations to Take

I hate planning vacations. I would much rather pay someone to figure it out for me so that I can just go and enjoy the experience. That person would preferably be Rick Steves and there would be a lot of gelato involved.

That said, I also hate group trips and I hate package deals.  Group trips ultimately lead to fights and package deals feel superficial.  I'm a hoot to hang out with if you hadn't already noticed. Downright glowing with happiness and positivity.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not one of those people who complains at every hotel nor do I flee a good adventure...I just hate planning.  I spend my LIFE planning and so vacation feels like it should be plans free - or that someone else should make the plans that work perfectly with my likes/dislikes/wake up hour/sleepy hour/current mood/cravings etc.

ahhh, yes - THIS is vacation

I'm high maintenance.  It takes a special person to travel with me.  Copain is good at it now - poor guy.

All that said, to tell you - I don't have a list.

A list would involve planning - and I hate planning.

A few vacay pics for your viewing pleasure...

Horrible surprise while hiking with the Moom in Corsica

Another gem we found on the hike - what the eff Corsica - seriously???

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