
Les Pommes

I love love love love love l'automne!  It's by far my favorite season - boots, trench coats, butternut squash, baking, cosy pjs, scarves, movies, homemade soups, my hot tapioca banana dessert, thé au lait, school supplies, new haircuts, dark nail polish and cinnamon-scented candles...ah j'adore!

There's just one thing about autumn that I hate: les pommes (apples)

I can tell that l'automne has arrived when the marché starts to fill with apples.  Green apples, red apples, pink lady apples, red delicious apples, blah blah blah. Don't get me wrong, sometimes a nice, crisp apple is the best - but not an entire season of nothing. but. apples.

Copain went to the marché last Sunday and I asked him to get figs, bananas and lots and lots of veggies. Instead, he got pears, bananas (yeah!) leeks, pineapple, zucchini and....des pommes. Lots and lots of pommes.

So far I've made leek and zucchini soup and leak and zucchini quiche, eaten three pears, 2 bananas (in the tapioca dessert!), and...1 pomme.  errrrgggggg. J'en ai déjà marre des pommes! 

How will I get through autumn without wanting to throw an apple out the window? I can just see it coming - apple sauce, apple slices, apple and cheese, apples and cinnamon...oh merde.

Why can't nectarines just be a year-round fruit?

What fruits do you eat in the winter? Any great apple recipes out there?

1 comment:

  1. Try the tarte normande: apples, crème fraîche, eggs and poudre d'amande: it is soooo good.
    My favorite fruit, but I think it only comes in Winter, is kaki fruit. It was my candy when I was pregnant and had gestational diabete :)
    Also, homemade compote is delicious and it will help you get rid of all those apples!!! (add cinnamon if you like it)
    Or apples cooked in the oven, with just a bit of salty butter and sugar on top, are really good too and it's easy to make.


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