
Pregnant in Paris

My copine d'enfance will be visiting me this weekend with her mari.  I had visions of wine and cheese-filled evenings and galavanting all over Paris on Velibs - but - Madame is enceinte. Pregnant in Paris.

So, I've had to regroup.

Les pauvres are currently stuck in Miami because their flight in LA was delayed due to technical difficulties.  They got to check-in just as their Miami flight to Paris was leaving the gate. Thankfully they got a hotel because my clever copine pulled the Pregnancy Card - big time. Apparently American Airlines is sympathetic to those of us who are in the sixième mois de grossesse. (Or my copine is really good at yelling at customer service).

Once in the hotel, ma copine started to lose her mind (I blame the hormones). Somehow she ordered a salad from room service with shrimp - you know, one of the foods you're not supposed to eat while pregnant.

Then she got an email from the Vueling airline letting her know that their flight from Paris to Rome might fall on a day of strikes - genial.

Oh - and wouldn't you know that all of the flights to Paris from Miami were booked?! -including all of the other airlines because of the rentrée scolaire?! So, instead of just getting on a flight to Paris the following day at the same time, they have to take a flight to JFK and THEN a flight to Paris, arriving approximately 24 hours later than originally planned.

I honestly don't know how she is holding up - or how her mari is holding up with a six-month crazy pregnant lady.

So, mes amis, what shall I do with a pregnant copine in Paris - one who has had a rocky start to her vacances already?

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