
La Vingt-Sixième Liste

List 26: Books I'd like to read this year...

I think I may have already divulged this little tidbit (embarrassing tidbit I might add) : I have not read a full book since Copain left for the states back in July 2010.

I've spent a lot of time wondering how a book-lover like myself could go so long without so much as getting through the first chapter of a book, but somehow I have managed to do just that. I even have a Moom who sends me books from the states that she thinks I'll like and even then, I just can't swing it! Well, my friends, I have a theory and the theory is this:

I blame the blogs.

I read WAY too many blogs.  I always want to know what happens next - and so, my morning and nightly rituals involve going through my blog roll and catching up with (mostly) people who I don't even know!

I don't really get it either.

There's nothing I want more than to be so enthralled with a book that all I want to do is get home, jump into bed and read a new chapter - or better yet, read the entire thing in one sitting because that's how good it is.  

I'm not gonna lie, I'm really bummed about this situation. What's a blog-obsessed girl to do???

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