Could barely fit in my Express jeans (freshman 15!)
Did a performance as a swordsman, and I think even a lion, for an eccentric dance history teacher - he was dressed as Louis XIV and we learned how to bow "Versailles style" on stage
Was really single for the first time in 4 years
Felt so lucky to be in college
Committed to nothing after committing to everything from Kindergarten to my senior year in high school - my mom thought something was very wrong with me.
Had personal dance parties in my apartment with the girl who would become my best friend - thank you Celine Dion
Had recently stopped eating the raw pancake mix from the res hall cafeteria after my 8:30am ballet class - the jeans really had no hope after this...
Was full of angst about life!
Noticed the first signs of cellulite - thanks pancake batter!
Made Santa Barbara my home
Thought I could never live far from the ocean
Learned how to cook chicken by myself for the first time and burned it (thanks for the cooking lessons parents!)
bought myself coffee and bulk candy on days that felt never-ending
Was in love with Starbucks - tall misto please!
Wore Rocket dog platform sandals
Realized I needed contact lenses - thanks History 17C fuzzy projector slides!
Lived in an apartment with green carpet, owned by a guy named Brian Green. Coincidence? I think not.
Had beach day dance classes - and got credit
Thought Isla Vista was the bees knees - Freebirds burritos!
Still used disposable cameras
Shopped at Costco and made a lunch out of free samples with my roomie
Rode to class on a teal beach cruiser bike that my dad pimped out for me
Bulk candy, rocket dogs, History 17C and the ocean...sigh! I have a wave of nostalgia!!
ReplyDeleteI know! How is it possible that it's been TEN years??!!! (and how didn't I know that rocket dogs were a totally weird concept? hahaha)
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine wearing them now??
ReplyDeleteP.S. Just reread your entry on Stella via the link. I HEART that entry so! You and copain make me giggle!
hahaha! oh Stella...she is finally up on the shelf and out of my life. phew!